The game of Kabaddi shall be governed and played under the following rules:
1) Ground
Ground shall be level and soft/Mat surface
2) Play Field Measurements
a) Men and Junior Boys 13 X 10 Meters (as shown in the diagram). MEN Below 80 Kg Weight
Junior Boys
Age 20 years & below (last day of the year) and below 65 Kg weight
b) Women and Junior Girls 12 X 8 Meters (as shown in the diagram). Women Below 70 Kg Weight
Junior Girls
Age 20 years& below (last day of the year) and below 60 Kg Weight.
c) Sub-Junior Boys and Girls 11 X 8 Meters (as shown in the diagram).
Sub-Junior Boys
Age 16 years & below (last day of the year) and below 50 Kg weight.
Sub-Junior Girls
Age 16 years & below (last day of the year) and below 50 Kg weight

3) Play Field The play field means that portion of the ground, which measures 13 meter by 8 meter (ABCD) for Men & Junior Boys and 12 meters by 6 meter for Women, Junior Girls and 11meter by 6 meter in case of Sub-Junior Boys & Sub-Junior Girls before struggle.
4) Sitting Block The sitting block shall be at a distance of 2 meter from the end lines. It shall be a rectangle of 1 meter by 8 meter in case of Men & Junior Boys and 1 meter by 6 meter in case of Women, Junior Girls, Sub-Junior Boys and Sub-Junior Girls.
5) Boundary The lines on the four sides of the play field are known as the boundaries (AB, BC, CD and DA). All lines shall be of 3 to 5 cm width and form the part of the play field.
Note: It is necessary to have 4-meter clear space outside the boundaries.
6) Lobbies The strips on both the sides of the playfield measuring one meter in width are known as the Lobbies. When the lobbies, as per rule 4 under ‘Rules of Play’ are included in the playfield, the boundaries of the play-field are extended up to the four lines, which enclose the play-field including the lobbies.
7) Mid Line The line that divides the play field into two halves is known as the mid-line.
8) Court Each half of the play field divided by the mid line is known as the Court.
9) Baulk Line Each of the lines in court parallel to the midline is known as baulk line. The distance of the baulk line from the mid line shall be 3.75 meter in case of Men and Junior Boys and 3 meter in case of Women, Junior Girls, Sub-Junior Boys and Girls.
10) Bonus Line The line parallel to Baulk line towards end line is known as Bonus line. The distance between Bonus line and Baulk line shall be 1 meter
Note: Raider is said to have crossed the Bonus line when he comes into contact with the ground between the End line and Bonus line. At the same time any part of his body should not have contact with the ground between the mid line and Bonus line.
11) Cant The repeated, without break; at a stretch and clear aloud sounding of the approved word “KABADDI”within the course of one respiration shall be called ‘Cant’.
12) Raider One who enters into the court of the opponent with the cant is known as a ‘RAIDER’. The raider must begin his cant before he touches the opponent’s court.
13) Anti or Anti-Raider Every player in whose court the raid is being made shall be called Anti or Anti Raider.
14) Loosing the Cant To stop the repeated and clear aloud sounding of the word KABADDI’ or take in a breath during cant by the raider is known as loosing the cant. A cant must be continued within one and the same respiration.
15) To put out an anti If a raider touches an anti without the breach of rules of play or if any part of the body of an anti touches any part of the body of the raider and then the raider touches his court with the cant, the anti is said to be put out.
16) To Hold a Raider If the anti or antis hold the raider without breach of rules of play and keep the raider in their court and do not allow him to reach his court until he loses his cant or the Referee/Umpire blows the whistle, is known as holding the raider.
17) To reach court safely If the raider touches his court with any part of the body through the midline without breach of rules with cant, he is said to have reached his curt safely and turn of raid is over.
18) Touch If the raider touches the anti or antis by any part of his body or even the clothing, shoes or any other outfit, it is called a touch.
19) Struggle When the anti or antis come into contact with the raider, it is called struggle. After touch or struggle the play field includes the lobbies.
20) Raid When the raider enters the court of opponent with cant, it is known as Raid.
21) Successful Raid When the raider crosses the Baulk line of the defending team at least once during the course of a raid and reaches his court with cant, it is known as Successful Raid.
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